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Snow much Fun!

Winter in the Midwest can be tough, around the same time each year I find myself asking why do I live in Minnesota?? Then I remind myself of the precious moments offered in those fleeting moments with your little ones, whether you are catching fluffy snowflakes on your tongue or just watching your child as they attempt to walk while all bundled up (the movie A Christmas Story comes to mind ;) ), the snow can offer us such special memories!

The snow also holds many benefits for physical, social emotional, and cognitive development for your child!

  • Playing in the snow encourages creativity and imagination as your child plays! Building a fort or snowman, making a snow angel, and simply being immersed in your backyard as it is transformed into a winter wonderland sparks your child's imagination.

  • Offers opportunity for physical development (navigation of uneven surfaces, building a snowman and making a snow angel all require strength, coordination, and body awareness).

  • Playing in the snow requires problem solving skills (whether your child is young and figuring out how to navigate around the yard, how fast they can toddle in their boots, or an older child figuring out how to build a sturdy fort (how tall it should be, how to pack the snow, etc.)

  • Allows for opportunities to build memories with your children! They will undoubtedly remember their special time in the snow with you, no matter how you spend it :)

Activity ideas for play in the snow

Snow painting! Fill up squirt bottles with water and food coloring of your choice, then have your child create their own masterpiece! (link for bottles here ).

DIY Ice balloons!

Items needed:

-Balloons, scissors, food coloring, water.

Steps: Fill water balloons with water, add a few drops of food coloring, tie off the ends, and freeze them overnight in the snow.

Once frozen, use a pair of scissors to cut the balloon off.

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